For those who desire to get this coupon thing under your belt let me share some information I just found out about. There is a website Insert Insanity.
They collect Smartsource, Red Plum, and P&G inserts from the best parts of the country on a Sunday and mail them to you. They give you 6, 10, or 12 of each depending on your order choice. You can preorder before the Sunday comes and then receive them later in the week.
For instance a "6 pack" for next week includes 6 Red Plum inserts, 6 P&G inserts, and 6 Smartsouce inserts for $8.40 It will cost you $12.00 just to buy 6 KC Star papers. It is worth the money. I am a little excited about this, and remember what you cannot use you can give to someone who can use it.
Check out the site at:
Happy Couponing!
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