on Saturday, April 24, 2010
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Remember God is perfect although we are imperfect and yet He loves us any way...
Celebrating Other People
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I was blessed on last night to celebrate the wonderful Pastor Olivia C.Q. Aiken or as those who know and love her call her, "Pastor O". The program "Blessings in the Storm" truly blessed my soul! I love her something terrible, she is amazing from the inside out! To know her is to love her, her words are profound but her actions are even more profound. I pray that the windows of heaven continue to open up and pour blessings into her life. Remember it is far better to be celebrated than tolerated! This woman of God is truly celebrated by the lives she is a part of. I urge you that if you do not have a church home and live in the Kansas City area to stop by Memorial Missionary Baptist Church and hear an awesome word from the Lord. Bishop and Pastor Aiken are truly one of a kind people and you can fill the spirit in that place! Be blessed all and remember live a life where people celebrate who you are because they can see the GOD in you!
on Friday, April 23, 2010
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Everything u have in this world doesn't mean much if you don't have Jesus! Recession 101: the devil can't steal your future! Just some spiritual food 4 thought
Prayer Still Works
on Sunday, April 18, 2010
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There is a strain, stress and worry overwhelming people and I am here to tell everyone that prayer still works! The same prayer that our mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers used can and will work for you. I dare for you on today to go to your secret place and have a little talk with Jesus! Prayer still works I dare you to take your every need and problem to Jesus in prayer.