Yesterday time caught up with me so today there will b 2 posts. Let's b grateful that wherever we r God is. We cannot escapes His presence now thats a blessing

Day 21 of 30 days of Gratitude

Today let's focus on FORGIVENESS!

The ability to forgive and be forgiven!

We have been forgiven by friends and family but more importantly we have been forgiven by God!

Think of all things you have done that others would say you were not worthy of forgiveness for BUT God saw fit to not only forgive us but afford us with new mercies the next day and the day after.

Show gratitude not only for being forgiven but for your ability to forgive. If you have grudges you are holding let go, let God, and walk into the things God has for you!

Let's show gratitude for forgiveness today and while doing so reflect on the following scriptures:

Mat 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Mat 6:14-15 For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.

Luk 23:34 But Jesus was saying, Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing. And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves.

1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

DAY 20 of 30 days of Gratitude

DAY 20

Can you believe that this 30 day challenge is more than half-way over? In the midst of it all I have found myself giving thanks for all the things that REALLY matter!

Today lets show gratitude for laughter. I know it seems pretty simple but just remember all the times when in the midst of your tears that your laughter or someone else's brightened your day.

As a mother one of the best gifts I have had the opportunity of experiencing is the laughter of my children. It is something about it that lets me know that everything will be ok.

Sometimes laughter is the rainbow after the storm, it is a reminder that no matter what may be going on in life there is still SOMETHING worth laughing about, smiling about, and appreciating. 
Today show gratitude for memories. Sometimes its the memories that get us through hard times & other times they humble us by reminding us of the hard times.
Show gratitude 4 your 5 senses. I saw a man earlier who was color blind & didn't know blue from purple. It's little things we take 4 granted; appreciate them
Instead of thinking about all that has gone wrong,think about all that has gone right that could have gone wrong.God protected you. So gratitude for that!
In ALL your getting, get understanding!
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